-)(Thank)(- -)(You)(-
(in no specific order)

Morgie - someone who has helped me in many ways. She has been there for me through my best and worst times over the past few years. Thank you, for everything you've ever done for me.

Pale Empress - one of the first people i ever met on the internet. We connected right away, and have held that connection for many years now. She has witnessed changes in me that most people aren't even aware of. Thank you for being there for me during the times when i needed someone the most.

Swinger - i have known Swinger for a few years now, and we've grown fairly close over that time. She can make me smile no matter how angry or upset i may be. That is a gift that not many people have, and i thank her for being a part of my life.

Vala - i've known Vala for about 3 years, and she is one of my most important friends even though she doesnt realize it. She always seems down to earth, and supports me no matter what my decision may be. Thank you for kicking some sense into me.

Loves Decay - i met Loves in school over 4 years ago, and we've been friends ever since. I appreciate everything she's ever done for me...even though i never show it.

Valhaltia DeKaye - i don't think i could've made it this far without her. She has kept me sane when i was on the edge of breaking down so many times i've lost count. There aren't enough words to describe how much i cherish this person. She holds a very special place in my heart....one that hasn't been held for a very long time.

DeFlowered Mary - a friend of mine that i hold very close to my heart. I seriously don't know where i would be without this girl in my life....she has helped me through so much, and been there for me more times than anyone else. She understands when other people don't...and calms me down when my head is ready to explode. Thank you Ange, for everything.

There are a few people who i need to thank for providing the inspiration for the various parts, words, and images that make up this page. This page has given me a way to organize the thoughts in my mind. It has provided me with a window, and a mirror...two things which i didn't have before. These people will remain nameless for privacy reasons.

_-|1|-_ *** you have been a main source of inspiration for me for years. You have hurt me more than you could ever know. You lied, and you cheated, and you stole. You said things to me that you knew would crush me, and you never stopped to think twice about anything. I hate you with a burning passion for those things, but you will always have a place in my heart. I loved you with every single part of me...mind, body, and soul. I would have killed an army of men for you. I would have killed myself for you...and you just walked away.

_-|2|-_ *** the person who caused this page to begin, and who has been a major influence in its growth and evolution. I loved you with as much of me as i could. We grew close over time, and we grew together. We became wrapped in each other, and we grew apart. You have said things to me that have hurt me more than you could ever even imagine. You have done things that have hurt me more than you could ever even dream of. You've crossed the line, and stepped out of bounds. You have become a symbol of hatred for me. Your name makes me want to hurt, and your voice makes me want to kill. You will never know the pain of those words you once said to me: 'I don't think i ever loved you'
